After many excuses and much stalling on my part, I finally put together a blog. I think I just might be one of the last people on earth to get it together but what can I say I was a working mom of two kids and well quite frankly didn't have the time. Of course with baby numero 3 about to show up any day now I have no idea how I think I'm going to somehow have MORE time than I did before. Who knows? I guess you can blame it on all the "nesting" hormones that have been running rampant around here...yes, I've been cleaning like mad and sorting through
Kylie's old baby clothes. I have been however able to resist the incredible urge to pull up all the weeds in the front yard and plant some flowers...I can't promise how much longer that will last. We are on the 4 week countdown around here. When I asked John the other night if he thought I'd be early or not he said nope I would be late...He didn't win very many good husband points with that one trust me. Well enough about me what everyone really wants to read about are the kido's.
Kylie asks me everyone morning if her baby Emma is "done" yet. She is also fascinated with "getting bigger" she asks me if she's getting bigger, if my belly is getting bigger, if Emma is getting bigger...I feel like we had all better get bigger around here or there's going to be a pretty upset 3 1/2 year old.
Hunter has decided he is a free man. He up and decided one day that he was not going to stay in his crib and nothing has been able to hold him back sense (except mom taking the door handle off and switching the lock to the outside...yes it had to be done if anyone ever wanted to sleep again!). He is quite the sweet boy, he loves to cuddle with me and say "I la you" it's those moments that keep me going when I find all the wipes all over the floor or him splashing in the toilet bowl. For any of you who have read the fabulous book "I'll love you forever" the picture of the two year old in the bathroom who flushed the watch down the toilet...well I can relate.
John is in his last 4 weeks of his accounting internship with UHY. He is loving his office job although not so much the 45 min commute. It's been great so far all though we've gone for days with out seeing each other because of busy season and late hours. Our family has been grateful for the experience though.
Well that's all for now because I'm dying to see how this thing looks.