Thursday, June 12, 2008

Baby Emma

I know it's a month late but we would like to announce the birth of Emma Taylor.

She entered this world by force on May 6, see mom was 3 days past due and could not stand to be pregnant a minute longer so I was induced at 10:00am on May 6th and she entered this world at 3:21. Everything went wonderful thanks to my good friend "epidural". Although when the anesthesiologist came in the nurse told John he had to leave because they were worried he would faint but John told them he'd done this twice before no as he's working on me all of a sudden I feel this horrible pain and I told them it hurt and then I passed out cold...needless to say I was deeply grateful that they hadn't kicked John out because he caught me from falling head first off the bed and onto the floor!! Everything else was great.

Emma was 7lbs 5oz and 20 inches long. She is perfect and take that triple screen test!! (We were told we had a 1/271 chance she could have Downs syndrome.) I thank my Heavenly Father for answering many prayers and blessings on her behalf.

I was going to say that she has been an all night sleeper since day one but the last week threw that record out the window as she hit a growth spurt and has been wanting to eat every three hours in the middle of the night. I sure got spoiled.

Hunter and Kylie seem to be pretty happy to have the baby here. Hunter does get jealous when I feed her and stands by me whining "hold you, hold you" otherwise when ever he sees her he gets really excited and starts screaming "baabbb--ee baabbb-ee". Kylie has taken to nursing her baby dolls and acting like the mommy, it's pretty cute.

That's all for now more pictures later!!


Shayleen Lunt said...

She is adorable Liz. Her hair is to die for! You may still be getting more sleep than me and I left the newborn phase a long time ago!

Stacey Fam said...

What a precious one! And I love the boots on Hunter. I just sent you a package for your babe- but I sent it to Mom's so ask her to be on the lookout for it. Enjoy!