Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My big boy...

I walked in from work about a week ago and John was changing Hunter's diaper. Apparently it stunk pretty bad because John said "Hunter WHAT DID YOU EAT?!? This stinks!" and Hunter in his most innocent matter of fact voice states: "I DON'T EAT POOP DAD." I could not keep my self from busting a gut.

Needless to say that was the kick off to Hunter's potty training to which Grammy's high pitched encouragement and zealous praise has contributed to Hunter practically potty training himself! Who woulda thunk it would be that easy...I might have considered letting him rip his diaper off earlier. I would not say we are completely diaper free but almost.

His second big accomplishment this week has been learning to swim. John decided to buy the kids diving rings to see if he could get them to finally get their heads under the water and low and behold it worked! They started diving like little fishes...swallowing gallons of water in the process but hey they aren't screaming about getting their faces wet. Then Hunter was sitting on the side of the pool and jumped in. I of course FREAK OUT and John's like hold on a minute lets see what he does so he just starts swimming to John and ends up swimming half way across the pool! Well Kylie was jealous and did not want to be out done so she tried but only made it two lanes worth. Still a HUGE accomplishment.

So here's my tribute to Hunter who turns 3 today, my big boy who taught himself to go potty and swim...what does he need me for?? (I guess for the snuggles, I hope he hasn't grown out of that already too!)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kids say the darndest things...vol. 2

Here's an addition to my last post. I took the kids for a walk on Sunday afternoon and Kylie road her bike and Hunter was pushing Emma in the stroller. We had made it quite a ways away from the house and were on our way back when Kylie stopped and got off her bike. When I asked her what she was doing she said "I have to get gas in my bike mommy or I won't make it home!" I started to laugh as she pretended to pump 5 gallons into her bike. Then Hunter stopped and started to fill the stroller up with gas. Hunter said "I need gas too mom!"

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Kids say the darndest things...

The other night Kylie came running into my room at 4 in the morning because she had a bad dream. When I asked her what was wrong she said "Mommy there are worms in my tummy!!" I said "oh no are you sure??" She said "I know mommy I saw them in my dream, there are worms in my tummy and they go RARR RARR RARR!!"

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Baby Turned ONE!!

My M&M (Emma) is a whole year old...I can't believe it. It really seems like I was just dying to be done being pregnant I blink and here we cubby boo is walking and shoveling cake in her face................
The M&M cake for her nickname.
Sorry if you don't want to see a gazzillon pictures of the birthday girl but she is just way to stinking cute.

She had to touch it. It was too tempting....

Daddy's little girl
Her best buddy Ruby...who knows what they are talking about??
My cute little present...
It's a party!!
Kylie informed us that this is the best day of her life...(I think that might change when her birthday comes ;) .)

We had a great time thanks Grandma Sue and Grandpa, Granny Ann and Papa John, Nana and Pops and Ashley and Family for the presents!

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mother's Day to everyone! Hope you have a fabulous day. We've been keeping extremely busy with Emma turning one on May 6th! Our 6 year anniversary on May 7th! and mother's day today what an eventful week. Here's a picture of my cuties from easter. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Long Overdue

Ok so by now people have probably stopped checking to see if I'll ever get it together and post again. So for those faithful ones still out there here are some long overdue pictures. We are all doing good just working our tails off and trying to keep up with three "energizer bunny" children! Whew we are tired. Sorry this isn't very long but enjoy the pics!