Sunday, March 1, 2009

Long Overdue

Ok so by now people have probably stopped checking to see if I'll ever get it together and post again. So for those faithful ones still out there here are some long overdue pictures. We are all doing good just working our tails off and trying to keep up with three "energizer bunny" children! Whew we are tired. Sorry this isn't very long but enjoy the pics!


LindsayAdamAmayaOlivia said...

Way Cute Pictures!

Hama Roska said...

Really cute. I'm glad I checked.

Chelseanator said...

Yeah, I'm glad I checked too! I still do sometimes :] but totally understand. Its way Okay! I loved the photos. Your family is so cute! I can't believe how much the kids are growing-they are so precious. Especially Baby Emma-wow! So darn cute! Thanks for sharing. Best of wishes w/ everything and just everyday life!!!!! You can do it girl!

Love, Chelsea