Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mother's Day to everyone! Hope you have a fabulous day. We've been keeping extremely busy with Emma turning one on May 6th! Our 6 year anniversary on May 7th! and mother's day today what an eventful week. Here's a picture of my cuties from easter. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Chelseanator said...

OH my GOSH!!! THEY are soooo CUTE!!! I love their outfits and smiles to much-such cute kids! and holy moly, what a week you've had!!! Really 6 years?!?!! holy smokes! Has it really been that long since we met each other back at the PTC Ward!?!? Wow, that means we are going on 5 1/2!! Whoa! Congrats and hope you keep having so much fun!

Love, Chelsea